It’s time to book your event for fall or the Holiday Season. Dates disappear quickly after Labor Day, so contact me if you are interested. I play a lot of solo gigs, but often have a drummer and/or sax player available for whatever your occasion or venue might find best.
In addition to this Saturday at Shaken in Eatonville, I recently booked another date at Vinifera Wine Bar in Auburn
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. Make plans for Friday, the 13th this September. It will only be bad luck if you don’t make reservations in time for this extremely popular venue. Music for both of these dates starts at 7PM. Hope to see you there.
Please contact me by email if you would like to see me play at your favorite establishment or event. Put in a good word for me and I will do my best to add it to my schedule.
Enjoy the end of summer, be safe, and keep supporting all the great live music here in the Tacoma/Seattle region.