All posts by admin

Jim Has Dates Out in the Real World: Harmon, Vinifera, Spanish Ballroom (with Rich Wetzel Orchestra)

Gigs have been slowly trickling in as venues start to open and book music. September has gotten suddenly busy. Here are the places and dates:

Harmon Restaurant in Tacoma, WA – 9/4, 9/9, and 9/18 6:30 – 8:30pm
Vinifera Wine Bar in Sumner, WA – 9/24 6:00 – 9:00pm

Spanish Ballroom in Tacoma, WA – 9/11 7:00 – 10:00pm
I will be sitting in with Rich Wetzel’s Groovin Higher Orchestra for the very first time. This ensemble performs lots of classic rock and jazz featuring an excellent horn section. Get ready to dance to the sounds of Santana, Kansas, Doobie Brothers, Toto, Ides of March, and even Maynard Ferguson. Reservations are highly recommended for this very popular venue and band. Hope to see you there.

New YouTube Video – more to come; plus Live FB Shows every Saturday and Pedestrian Serenades Continue…

New YouTube Video!

I finally figured out how to upload videos on YouTube using my screen reader after having to convert my files to something other than MOV files. So there will be more to come. Enjoy my original song DESIGNATED DRINKER with guitar legend Jerry Miller of Moby Grape. He is listed as #68 on Rolling Stone’s list of Top 100 Guitar Players of All-Time.


Join me every Saturday night at 9PM on the East Coast/6PM on the West Coast and other times in between as I go live from my Facebook pagse Jim Meck (musician). Note: You can watch without a Facebook account. Simply click on the link and when prompted to Sign In or Create hAccount, just click “Not Now”. You will not be able to comment and make requests, but at least you can enjoy.

Pedestrian Serenades are continuing from my front porch in Tacoma, WA as weather and schedules permit. These have been happening mostly on Fridays, but not always. Watch my FB page for that or if you are in Tacoma, watch for posts on the Next Door app. Note: These are not intended to be gathering events, but there is room to spread out safely and hang around for a while. My shows are in the north end of town on N. 29th Street between N. Cedar and N. Alder and I usually play from 5-7pm. This is my version of an “audio Teddy Bear” since people are putting those in windows, but I realized that people who are blind like me can’t see them. So, that is how it all started. Many thanks to my wife for making this happen. And thanks to the neighbors for encouraging this.

Many people have asked how they can support me since they are not physically here. If you want to “put bread in my jar”, please use PayPal or Venmo for this. Some folks have also requested my mailing address to send a paper check. I appreciate all the love and support you have shown me over the years with or without monetary donations.

I also want to let you know that when you make a transfer to my Virtual Tip Jar, I do get to read the lovely messages you add, but I have no way to respond individually to them. I am not ignoring the messages, just like I am not ignoring you if you wave to me at my shows since I am blind. Just know that I am grateful for the tips and I hope my music brings you as much joy as it does for me to share it with you, my friends.


2nd Seattle TV Station Covers Pedestrian Serenade; Live Show on Facebook This and Every Saturday; Pedestrian Serenade Update…

Hi everyone,
I hope this newsletter finds you well and you are managing through these unbelievable times. Please stay connected with family and friends and feel free to get in touch with me any time. It is not “social distancing” that is important, but “physical distancing”. We need “social closeness”. Here are some things that are keeping my wife and me busy. While, she is extremely busy with her work as director of the Alliance of People with disAbilities (LIKE them on FACEBOOK), she always has time to help me with my crazy music ideas.
KING 5 TV in Seattle ran a story about my Pedestrian Serenade on their “Evening” magazine show. It is similar, yet different from the one that Q 13 did two weeks ago. They were here at our house at the same time, but covered different angles and interviewed different people. It was very well done.
Here is the link for the KING 5 story:
Here is the link for the previous story on Q13:
I am going live again this Saturday at 9:00 eastern time (6:00 out here in Tacoma). I do this from my Facebook page Jim Meck (musician) but we discovered you do not have to have a FB account to watch because it is a public page. Simply go to and when prompted to log in or create an account, simply click “Not Now” and you can watch live as well as see my previous shows and posts. If you do have a FB account, you can join in the conversation and make requests. We love it if you comment to let us know you are watching. My wife Kimberly does an amazing job letting me know who is tuned in and what they want to hear. It gets really busy at times so we occasionally miss requests, so just comment again. It really is like the old days of gigs back east and we are all having a lot of fun.
For those interested in supporting me through my “Virtual Tip Jar”, I thank you so much. Please use Paypal – – or Venmo – – and be sure to confirm the link is correct by finding my picture on the page. Some folks opt to send a check instead, and my address is 3105 N. 29th St. Tacoma, WA 98407. Again, none of this is expected by any means, but certainly appreciated.
PEDESTRIAN SERENADE: Next one – Friday, April 24 5PM PDT
I am continuing to do shows from my front porch when our schedule and weather allow. The neighbors and people walking by really seem to enjoy it, and I love playing for a crowd no matter how many there are. For those in this area, Kimberly posts it in the Next Door app and on my Facebook page. This is not intended to be a gathering as we are all trying to stay safe, but there is some room to spread out in the yard . Sometimes I do it as a solo show, and sometimes a drummer, Glenn Hummel, sets up in the grass away from me. Kimberly and our nine-year-old Blaine advertise with sidewalk chalk. I have met so many more neighbors through all of this.
That is the latest from here. Enjoy the news stories and I hope you can join us this and every Saturday on Facebook.

Q13 Fox News in Seattle covers Jim’s Pedestrian Serenades, plus Staying Home In Tacoma SHOW continues live on FB every Saturday…

Q13 FOX in Seattle Covers Pedestrian Serenades

I have been performing live from my front porch to entertain those who are out and about walking through the neighborhood. Response has been amazing and word is spreading like wildfire. This is not intended to be a concert for people to gather, but there is space for pedestrians to pause a while and keep a safe distance from each other. There is even room for Glenn Hummel to set up his drums on occasion.

Check out the news story by Michael Driver from Q13 Fox News in Seattle.

I heard about people putting Teddy Bears in their windows, but as I walked through my neighborhood, I thought about how people who are blind like me can’t see them. So I wondered what kind of audio encouragement could be given to help relieve some of the effects of isolation. Why not play my piano on my porch? I had already started doing live Facebook shows from my living room every Saturday night. The weather got nice, so the next logical step was to do something outside.

I firmly believe that it is not “social distancing” we need, but “physical distancing”. We need “social closeness” where we stay in touch and communicate with each other more than ever, whether outside across the lawn or calling those who are isolating alone and having a nice conversation and see how they are doing. We all have an effect on each other. We just need to decide what kind of effect we have.

Staying Home In Tacoma SHOW Live on FB

I am continuing my Staying Home In Tacoma SHOW every Saturday night. Join me LIVE on Facebook starting at 6PM Pacific time (west coast) which is 9PM Eastern time (for my PA friends). Get in on the conversation and make requests; that is what drives the show. Some folks have also been hosting “Watch Parties” where they have their own circle of friends in a comment thread. This has proven to be a wonderful way for me to connect with family and friends back east, but I am receiving feedback from several people who are isolated due to disability or other reasons and I am told it is making a big difference for them. It sure seems like a win-win because I love to share music and others are enjoying it.

Please LIKE my FB page Jim Meck (musician) found at and enable the notifications for when I go live.

For those interested in donating to my efforts, please go to for a PayPal transfer or if you prefer Venmo, use my email address I appreciate all the love and support.



LIVE FB Shows, Pedestrian Serenades, and Private Zoom Parties, plus “Quarantine”, Jim’s new parody

Apologies in advance since Word Press is not fully accessible for people who are blind like me, so formatting, etc. may be messed up.

During this time of Social Distancing I am offering live shows every Saturday evening from my Facebook page, Jim Meck (musician). They start at 9PM if you are on the East Coast and 6PM if you are on the West Coast. If you are somewhere in between I’m sure you can do the math. Please LIKE my page and indicate you are going so I can invite more people. FB has an algorithm that limits my invites. Join in the conversation and let me know you are tuning in.

For those who have been asking about how to support me in this time of gig cancellations, please consider using my “Virtual Tip Jar” at for a PayPal transfer or you can use Venmo and my email address Some have also requested my address in order to mail a check. Please email me for that. Thank you to all who have graciously put digital “bread in my jar”!

In addition to Live FB shows I am also offering live music from my front porch each week to hopefully brighten up the day of those who are walking outside through my neighborhood. I am calling these my Pedestrian Serenades. At this point there is no consistent schedule, but I will announce them through my FB page. If you live in Tacoma, take a stroll in the North End on N. 29th Street between N. Alder and N. Cedar. The next one will probably be Wednesday, April 8th around 4PM.

I am exploring Private Zoom events that you can host and book in advance so you and your friends might enjoy your own virtual party with live music that is exclusive to your friends and family. If we do this through private invitations and password, we should avoid the latest “Zoom Bomber” threats. Why do people need to ruin things like this? If you are interested, please contact me. This can be anything from a get-together with friends, or a presentation and question and answer event concerning my music, my experiences, and/or my life living with blindness and the transitions throughout the phases of vision loss that are unique to my life. So this is an opportunity to have fun with friends, or design a presentation for your organization or company.

Finally, I was challenged by a friend to think about what Billy Joel song I could change to reflect the current situation in which we all find ourselves at this time. hAt first I refused, but as I kept thinking about it, I had an idea that I could not shake. In about an hour and a half I created a song called “Quarantine” based on Billy Joel’s “Honesty”. My apologies to him. I did not want to be disrespectful of him or the seriousness of the current pandemic as many people are dying and losing friends or otherwise suffering tremendously, not only medically but also through job loss and income. So while I mention a few lighter notes about our isolation, my main point is how much I miss getting together with friends, family, other musicians and all those who support my music. As of now it is not on YouTube, but you can find it on my FB page Jim Meck (musician). As of this writing it has about 3,000 views which is outrageous to me. I am pleased to know that some friends who have actually lost people close to them through this virus have affirmed that this song is respectful and some said “funny yet very classy”. That is quite a compliment. So check it out and let me know what you think.

That’s it for now I think. I hope this finds you well. Peace and love to all of you!



El Gaucho Tacoma, Vinifera, Rainier View Winery, Sorci’s and more… Book your holiday event now!

Book your Holiday Event Now! (610) 750-4526 or

I will be at El Gaucho Tacoma on Black Friday from 6-10:30 and Vinifera Wine Bar on November 30 from 7-10.

Make your reservations now at Rainier View Winery for the extremely popular and always sold out “Sing to the King” event on December 14th.

Sorci’s in Sumner on December 21st is the place to be for amazing Italian cuisine and plenty of holiday music. I will be there from 6:30 – 9:00 and reservations are highly recommended.

Have an amazing holiday season however you celebrate it. May you enjoy love, peace, and joy during and beyond this festive time of year. Cheers!

Fall and Holidays Approaching, plus new date at Vinifera

It’s time to book your event for fall or the Holiday Season. Dates disappear quickly after Labor Day, so contact me if you are interested. I play a lot of solo gigs, but often have a drummer and/or sax player available for whatever your occasion or venue might find best.

In addition to this Saturday at Shaken in Eatonville, I recently booked another date at Vinifera Wine Bar in Auburn

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. Make plans for Friday, the 13th this September. It will only be bad luck if you don’t make reservations in time for this extremely popular venue. Music for both of these dates starts at 7PM. Hope to see you there.

Please contact me by email if you would like to see me play at your favorite establishment or event. Put in a good word for me and I will do my best to add it to my schedule.

Enjoy the end of summer, be safe, and keep supporting all the great live music here in the Tacoma/Seattle region.


Summer Schedule posted – website still getting worked on

Welcome to my website. Thej new schedule is posted and will be updated further shortly. It is quite a challenge since Word Press is not as accessible for blind users as I would like

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. But it’s what I have. Thank you for your patience. It seems there might be a Calendar page and a Schedule page, though the Schedule tab is the correct one to use.

If anyone can help me with my website, please email me.

Have a fun and safe summer and I hope to see you soon…

Welcome to 2019 – my website is back!!!


My website had been hacked, but my son Jonah just fixed it. So now I can start updating it again. What a mess! If you have any ideas of what you would like to see on my site, please let me know. Please check out my SCHEDULE tab for upcoming dates

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. The CALENDAR tab is still a work in progress. I have a lot to do, and it hasn’t been easy since my move to Tacoma, WA three years ago – hard to believe it is that long. I am still trying to figure out how to use WordPress with a screen reader since pretty much all of my usable sight is gone. Luckily I have the support and help from my wife, Kimberly, and together we will get my content up to date. Thank you all for your patience, and keep checking my Facebook page for more info.




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“LIKE” Jim’s Facebook Page, Jim Meck (musician), for the most up-to-date schedule or contact Jim.