Tag Archives: Sumner

Latest News including Jingle Mingle Mix, Gig with Jeff Mims, Flanagan’s, Rainier View Winery, and NYE at Stuck!

Here is a very quick update for now until more info and links can be added.


December 1 5:00pm

jingle mingle mix event
Women’s Resource Network is holding a fantastic networking event at the Environmental Services Building, Chambers Bay located at 9850 64th St. W University Place, WA 98467.
See more info below.

December 3 7pm

Jeff Mims with Jim Meck at Shakin’ in South Hill
Jeff and Jim team up again for a fun night of music and friends.

December 7 7pm

Jim Meck at Flanagan’s Craft Pub in Puyallup
This is always a fun time at this very popular pub which features over 20 craft beers on tap.

December 17 6pm

Sing to the King event at Rainier View Winery in Graham, WA
Join Jim for this faith -based event during the holiday season. Holiday cheer includes food, drink, fellowship and lots of Christmas carols for all to sing as well as musical presentations by a guest from the Seattle Opera.

New Year’s Eve 9pm

Ring in the New Year with Jim at Stuck Junction Saloon in Sumner, WA. This is Jim’s first New Year’s Eve in the PNW. He will also be celebrating  one year here since he moved from PA on January 6, 2016. Come and help celebrate this fantastic milestone!



jingle mingle mix event”Additional info:

Here is a copy of the email which contains important information about this fantastic event:
Tickets at eventbrite:  www.minglemix.eventbrite.com<http://www.minglemix.eventbrite.com>
View this email in your browser<http://us4.campaign-archive2.com/?u=a3764726fed17cf1904ee3bb1&id=589cf63425&e=4190b07316>

Women’s Resource will donate $5 to the Dance Theatre Northwest for every ticket purchased between now and midnight on Small Business Saturday, 11/26.

Make connections, help support local business owners and this local non-profit organization — all while having a fun evening noshing, shopping and networking!

[Eventbrite – Jingle, Mingle and Mix–A Women’s Resource Holiday Showcase]<http://womensresourcedirectory.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a3764726fed17cf1904ee3bb1&id=70b8e0d348&e=4190b07316>
Jingle, Mingle & Mix!
A Women’s Resource Holiday Showcase

Date:  December, 1, 2016
Time:  5:00 pm -9:00 pm

*   Check in  in 5:00-6:00
*   Vendor Showcase – 5:30-8:30
*   Appetizer/Pasta/Dessert Stations – 6:00-8:00
*   Northwest Dance Theatre Presentation 7:00 pm
*   No-host Bar thoughout the evening
*   Door Prizes and “Instant Wine Cellar” Drawing

Location: Environmental Services Building (Chambers Bay)
Address:  9850 64th St W, University Place, WA 98467
Parking: Free

Directions:  Click here<http://womensresourcedirectory.us4.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=a3764726fed17cf1904ee3bb1&id=5d6942d70b&e=4190b07316> to Environmental Services
Building by Chamber’s Bay – University Place

Your chance at an “Instant Wine Cellar”

*   Chance Drawing for an instant Wine Cellar! (24 Bottles of Wine) – Chance Tickets only $5 and benefit Dance Theatre Northwest

Performance sampler from Dance Theatre Northwest<http://womensresourcedirectory.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a3764726fed17cf1904ee3bb1&id=889be69683&e=4190b07316>

THE NUTCRACKER:  Presented in the form of a bedtime story, and staged to Peter Tchaikovsky’s unforgettable classical score, DTNW’s ballet is updated each year, keeping this holiday favorite fresh and exciting.

Find out more about their upcoming performance at Mt Tahoma High School:  http://dtnwsnutcracker.brownpapertickets.com

Dance Theatre Northwest Mission:  To provide quality, ballet-based, American contemporary and classical dance performance and ballet-based dance education, and to offer communities in the Pacific Northwest the opportunity to experience dance as an important art form. Your contribution will help fund a student dream to learn to dance.

Wine Sponsor, Team RED Keller Williams <http://womensresourcedirectory.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a3764726fed17cf1904ee3bb1&id=0c255f3c4d&e=4190b07316> will comp a drink ticket for the first 50 guests who purchase a ticket to this event!

Media Sponsors:
Showcase Media Magazine
Business Examiner<http://womensresourcedirectory.us4.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=a3764726fed17cf1904ee3bb1&id=e2d56d101e&e=4190b07316>

Wine Sponsor:  Team RED Keller Williams<http://womensresourcedirectory.us4.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=a3764726fed17cf1904ee3bb1&id=3f08de60e3&e=4190b07316>
Dessert Sponsor:  The Art of Crunch<http://womensresourcedirectory.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a3764726fed17cf1904ee3bb1&id=ad4151e35f&e=4190b07316>


[Eventbrite – Jingle, Mingle and Mix–A Women’s Resource Holiday Showcase]<http://womensresourcedirectory.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a3764726fed17cf1904ee3bb1&id=08d2fe8496&e=4190b07316>

Jingle, Mingle & Mix!
A Women’s Resource
Holiday Showcase Event
Tickets just $25.

Purchase Event Tickets<http://womensresourcedirectory.us4.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=a3764726fed17cf1904ee3bb1&id=751a753d6a&e=4190b07316>


If you are interested enjoying the perks of sponsorship, but prefer not to staff a vendor table, check out the following opportunities:

All Jingle sponsorships will be recognized in the printed program, on the Jingle Mingle eventbrite page and multipe evite-marketing, microphone mention, logo on the big screen, bag stuffer option, and guest list will also sent to you.

AVAILABLE:  Dance Theatre Northwest staging room:   $125.00 (includes 2 event ticket) Our dancers will need a room to warm up, dress and prepare for their routine. Your sponsorship pays for this private room at the venue, provides water and treats for the dancers, and gives you two tickets to the event.

AVAILABLE:  Vendor Blender Champagne Toast:  $175.00 (includes 2 event ticket) From 5:00-5:30, you will be the “toastmaster!” Raise your glass and wish our sponsors and vendors a grand evening, plus all the benefits listed above.

AVAILALBE:  Piano Keys Sponsor:  $200.00 (includes 2 event tickets)

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. Our live piano player will add background music to the event from 5:00-7:00.  Special recognition signage will adorn the lobby with your logo and recognition. Special recognition signage by the piano player will also list sponsor, plus all the benefits listed above.

For more information: 253-380-0440
or to secure one of the above sponsorships visit: https://jinglevendorandsponsorships.eventbrite.com




Copyright © 2016 Women’s Resource, Inc., All rights reserved.

Jim books Five Gigs in Pacific Northwest! plus Four in PA



Jim has been performing at open mics in and around Tacoma, best cialis WA and has been meeting many people in his first three months since moving here. He will also be visiting the Lehigh Valley area in PA in May where he was nominated in three categories for the Lehigh Valley Music Awards – Pianist, Keyboardist, and Male Vocalist of the Year!

Here are the latest dates:

April 23 8-11PM Stuck Junction Saloon in Sumner, WA
May 21 7-9PM Treos (coffee and wine bar) in Tacoma, WA
July 1 9PM-1AM Rock the Dock Pub and Grill in Tacoma, WA
August 19 11:30AM Private Picnic for the Center for Independence in Pierce County
September 2 9PM-1AM Rock the Dock Pub and Grill in Tacoma, WA

Date in PA:
May 11 6:30PM Jim with Glenn Hofmann at CJ Hummels in Lenhartsville, PA
May 13 8:30PM Jim Meck & The Guide Dogs (Glenn Hofmann, Jeff Halbert, Jonathan Quier) at Bowers Hotel
May 14 7PM Jim Meck & The Guide Dogs (, Glenn Hofmann, and Jeff Halbert) at Louie’s Restaurant in Allentown, PA
May 15 6PM Hotel Bethlehem

One date in NJ:
July 20 – 7:30PM Jim Meck & The Guide Dogs on the Beach on Long Beach Island

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. This is part of Beach Haven’s Concerts on the Green series at Bicentennial/Veterans Park and is FREE to all!

For the latest info and many videos from the open mics, LIKE Jim’s Facebook page – Jim Meck (musician).