Tag Archives: New Jersey

Jim books Five Gigs in Pacific Northwest! plus Four in PA



Jim has been performing at open mics in and around Tacoma, best cialis WA and has been meeting many people in his first three months since moving here. He will also be visiting the Lehigh Valley area in PA in May where he was nominated in three categories for the Lehigh Valley Music Awards – Pianist, Keyboardist, and Male Vocalist of the Year!

Here are the latest dates:

April 23 8-11PM Stuck Junction Saloon in Sumner, WA
May 21 7-9PM Treos (coffee and wine bar) in Tacoma, WA
July 1 9PM-1AM Rock the Dock Pub and Grill in Tacoma, WA
August 19 11:30AM Private Picnic for the Center for Independence in Pierce County
September 2 9PM-1AM Rock the Dock Pub and Grill in Tacoma, WA

Date in PA:
May 11 6:30PM Jim with Glenn Hofmann at CJ Hummels in Lenhartsville, PA
May 13 8:30PM Jim Meck & The Guide Dogs (Glenn Hofmann, Jeff Halbert, Jonathan Quier) at Bowers Hotel
May 14 7PM Jim Meck & The Guide Dogs (, Glenn Hofmann, and Jeff Halbert) at Louie’s Restaurant in Allentown, PA
May 15 6PM Hotel Bethlehem

One date in NJ:
July 20 – 7:30PM Jim Meck & The Guide Dogs on the Beach on Long Beach Island

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. This is part of Beach Haven’s Concerts on the Green series at Bicentennial/Veterans Park and is FREE to all!

For the latest info and many videos from the open mics, LIKE Jim’s Facebook page – Jim Meck (musician).

Jim returns to the East Coast for a few dates while building an audience and schedule in the Pacific Northwest

Jim will visit the East Coast in May and July and play a few dates in PA and NJ.

Jim just played a gig in Beaverton, best viagra recipe OR for “Sausage Fest”, but has been appearing quite a bit at Rock the Dock in Tacoma, WA where he now resides. He has also played at the Antique Sandwich Co. nearby in Ruston. While these are not regularly scheduled gigs, Jim is making a lot of connections with musicians and venues as he prepares to enter intense training for skills needed to live independently with sight loss

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Here are the latest dates:

Friday, May 13 – Jim Meck & The Guide Dogs at Bowers Hotel 8:30 Bowers, PA
Sunday, May 15 – Jim Meck @ Historic Hotel Bethlehem 6PM Bethlehem, PA

Wednesday, July 20 – Jim Meck & The Guide Dogs at Veterans Memorial Park, Beach Haven on ong Beach Island, NJ 7:30 as part of their Concerts on the Green series

LIKE Jim Meck (musician) on Facebook to get the latest updates.