Tag Archives: Berks

Jim returns to the East Coast for a few dates while building an audience and schedule in the Pacific Northwest

Jim will visit the East Coast in May and July and play a few dates in PA and NJ.

Jim just played a gig in Beaverton, best viagra recipe OR for “Sausage Fest”, but has been appearing quite a bit at Rock the Dock in Tacoma, WA where he now resides. He has also played at the Antique Sandwich Co. nearby in Ruston. While these are not regularly scheduled gigs, Jim is making a lot of connections with musicians and venues as he prepares to enter intense training for skills needed to live independently with sight loss

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Here are the latest dates:

Friday, May 13 – Jim Meck & The Guide Dogs at Bowers Hotel 8:30 Bowers, PA
Sunday, May 15 – Jim Meck @ Historic Hotel Bethlehem 6PM Bethlehem, PA

Wednesday, July 20 – Jim Meck & The Guide Dogs at Veterans Memorial Park, Beach Haven on ong Beach Island, NJ 7:30 as part of their Concerts on the Green series

LIKE Jim Meck (musician) on Facebook to get the latest updates.

Farewell Festival January 2nd!

I will be leaving the area for an extended period of time to attend the Lighthouse for the Blind. I will be learning the skills necessary to live independently with my sight loss. In order to immerse myself in that training I will be moving out of the area to dedicate my time at the Lighthouse.

So, viagra sale tadalafil I also want one more chance to perform with the Guide Dogs and for all those who have supported me for over three decades with a big celebration

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. Please stop in for a little or the whole evening.


Date and Time: Saturday, discount viagra January 2, 2016 5-10PM


Location: Kutztown Fire Co. Banquet Hall on Noble Street in Kutztown, PA

Cost: Nothing! There will be a donation box if you would like to help with expenses

Other notes: Cash bar and some snack food will be available

Performers who indicated they are coming include
Sax: Glenn Hofmann, Andy Mohler, Charlie Schaffer
Drums: Jonathan Quier, Jeff Halbert, Bill Fenstermacher, Kevin Boger, Jonah Meck
Bass: Terry Bollinger

Steel Guitar: Jimmy Kidd, Robbie Bossert
Harmonica: Bob Hogan, John Rubendall
Fiddle: Hannah Violet
Other performers include: Katie Meck, Sami Meck, Alex Meck, TJ Bebb, and members of School’s Out Band

Please be sure to add your name to the guest register!

Thank you again for all the love and support you have shown me throughout the years!
